2018 is coming to a close, and what a year it has been! With a total of 11 version releases, and approximately 65 notable features (not including ‘other small features’), lets take a moment to reflect on the 10 most notable features this year (in order of release).

  1. Staff Commission (V22.1)
  2. Repeat Medications & Current Medications (V22.4)
  3. Wellness Module (V22.5)
  4. Product Bundles & Price Adjustment Reasons (V22.5)
  5. Feature request forum (V22.6)
  6. Standard PACS Integrations: Cuattro (V22.0) & Sound (V22.7)
  7. Insert previous medical notes (V22.7)
  8. Major Record dashboard improvements (Multiple Versions)
  9. Clinical Record Lockdown (V22.9)
  10. Watchers Module (V22.9)

Staff Commission (V22.1)

This user based (or role based) feature allows you to set up staff commissions for product groups and/or products.


Once commissions have been set up on the user, the Invoice Revenue by Group report has a new setting that allows you to include commissions on the report.

include earned commission

Repeat Medications & Current Medications (V22.4)

A great new feature ezyVet has is the ability to mark a medication as a 'current medication' or as a 'refillable medication'. A patient that may need a recurring prescription for any length of time can now have a current and/or refillable medication prescription without having to create separate prescriptions for each visit. This will be beneficial for patients who for example need some medication for x number of months, or for patients who are on any medication on an ongoing basis.

medication prescription

In addition to this, there is a new dashboard tab called 'Medications'. This tab is intended as a dispense medication work list - it will show you all medications that have been requested for a dispense and allow you to dispense from this dashboard.

Wellness Module (V22.5)

If you haven't heard yet, ezyVet now offers a module for managing your wellness plans, built in collaboration with Practice Managers to ensure you have what you need in a good Wellness platform. Once you've configured your plans and enrolled your patients, ezyVet will automatically track your patient's plan usage based on their invoiced items, updating their available benefits as they go.

wellness plan memberships

The Wellness Wizard is a new 'Reporting' tool that allows you to capture your monthly wellness subscription fees and renew memberships. Capture your monthly subscription fees easier with a PayJunction integration - charging straight to your client's stored cards in ezyVet or creating ACH payments.

Find out more on the Wellness Module here.

Product Bundles & Price Adjustment Reasons (V22.5)

Product Bundles

Packages allow you to group products and services together and have a fixed price for these items. For example, you may have a standard procedure in which you would include all pre and post medications and products used for the procedure on the invoice. With the package product on the invoice, any 'child' products of that package product will be discounted in order to maintain the fixed package price.

The Package setting is found on the 'Product' set-up page, under the section 'Properties'. What used to be the 'Product Container' product property in ezyVet has now been replaced with a new setting called 'Bundle'. Under the bundle options, you have the option to select 'Container'*, 'Package' or 'No' bundle.


*All products previously marked as a product container will be marked as a container bundle.

Price Adjustment Reasons

When an invoice line has been discounted, you can now click on the disc (%) column to view the reason for the adjustment. You can also associate your own reason for adjustment if you are creating a manual discount.

price adjustment discounts

Price adjustment rules will also appear as a discount reason, and all discount reasons can be reported on using the Invoice Lines report.

Feature Request Forum Improvements (V22.6)

The feature request forum has been improved to make it easier for you to send us your great ideas.

When submitting a new feature request, you will see a little description of the minimum requirements. Each text field also contains a default example of what to include and the '?' icon at the end of each field provides you with some more detail.

Screenshots are crucial to a good feature request, so adding a screenshot to your submission is now as easy as dragging and dropping into the attachment box. If you forget to submit your screenshot(s), you will also be presented with an error that says, “You need to include at least one screenshot.

feature request forum

Sound & Cuattro – Standard PACS Integration

Cuattro (V22.0)

ezyVet and Cuattro have partnered up to bring you a new PACS integration! This integration will allow you to send your diagnostic requests to your Cuattro modality, run the study and have the results returned to ezyVet and attach to the patient's clinical record.

Sound (V22.7)

Sound is the first Standard PACS Integration partner. The integration allows you to create a diagnostic request in ezyVet and send to the Smart PACS Cloud Worklist, to your Sound worklist. Once the study has been completed, the result will return to ezyVet and attach to the patient record.

Insert Previous Medical Notes (V22.7)

New functionality in the clinical record allows you to insert previous history into any new record note that is being created (i.e. if you are creating a new History, you can insert a previous History record). Select from a drop-down of previous records and insert it to use as a base for the current medical note - the most recent records will be listed at the top. You can also hover your mouse over each record listed to show a preview of the record note before inserting it.

Major Records Dashboard Improvements (Multiple Versions)

The Records dashboard is one powerful tool for reporting, manipulating data, and performing bulk actions. Throughout the year, we have made many improvements, providing you more control over your data.

  • Mass billing – bill the same invoice to multiple patients/clients
  • Bulk edit user settings – remove roles, remove permissions, and change user salesperson, all in one go.
  • Animal residence filter – for patients that live away from the owners, send bulk communications to the contacts of the patient residence.
  • Department Filter added to Invoice Line
  • Consult filters:
    • Body Condition Score
    • Alive (animal/s)
    • Animal Color
    • Breed
    • Animal Species
    • Age*
    • Sex (deprecated)
    • Weight
    • Current Master Problem
    • Number of appointments in period
    • Number of appointments in last
    • Average spend in period*
    • Average spend in the last*
    • Past master problems
    • Referring Vet
    • Referring vet clinic
    • SOC due
    • SOC done

Clinical Record Lockdown (V22.9)

All clinical records can now be individually locked once completed, or automatically locked down based on a fixed date or rolling date. Locking a clinical record down will mean no more edits can be made to any sub-records (e.g. history). However, you can add an addendum (comment) that is either public or private, to any of the sub-records.


Users with the right permissions will still be able to unlock clinical records if necessary.

Watchers Module (V22.9)

The Watchers module allows users to 'watch' a clinical record and receive notifications when the clinical record has been updated or edited by another user. With this module enabled, you will also have a new Watching tab on your sidebar, where you can keep track of all the clinical records that you are watching.

users watching

We hope you have enjoyed the features released this year, and we look forward to all the exciting new features to come in 2019!